Oh Dilemmas! Cats V. Dogs!
I'm a cat person. I love cats, I love kittens, I love meows and purring and cute little eats. I love picking kitties up and stroking them while they lie there. I love their cute little paws, and how they jump up on everything and /big breath/ I just love cats.

In fact, I love just about every animal. But Cats win my vote. I like dogs, too, but they're just
so dependent, and that's really my only concern. Going somewhere for the weekend? No problem with a kitty! Big problem with a dog. Kitty needs to potty? Hey! That's what the litter box is for! Have a dog? Different story. Dogs jump up, lick, and bark, and with cats it's a different story. I don't have to worry about a cat running up and licking my hand after it's licked its bits and pieces or worry about taking a kitty out to potty.
Adam, however, loves dogs. He's much more of a dog person than a cat person. I don't think he really understands just how amazing cats
are. How amazing their meowing and cuddles can be! Nope, he likes to throw a ball and have a dog bring it back to him so he can throw it... again. He likes to play tug of war with a dog, or take it for a run, or you know... Do what dog lovers do.
The thing, however, is that I already have two beautiful cats. I'm sure they wouldn't care about a new addition, but still! And, Adam and I have wanted a dog for awhile. (We're aiming towards a smaller breed, however.) We considered adopting a dog AND cat, but I doubt that will be happening, and Adam and I plan t

o continue fostering. I want a dog, I do, but there are quite a few things to consider. We're younger, we live to travel, (if we get a smaller breed we could just put it in a dog carrier and bring it with us, but with a cat, we could just leave it at home for awhile). There are quite a few pros and cons to this. So I created a poll in hopes that someone could try and help us with our decision! Dog, or cat? If you know us, try and base this on our lifestyle. If not, choose your favorite!
Now, please don't get me wrong. I love dogs. I love our foster. And I loved another dog that I nearly adopted, but thought she'd be better off with another family who wanted her, (and I was very right, and she's VERY happy and her new family ADORES her!) I would have loved that dog, and I love Dakota (even though he's not our adopted dog!) Just some things to consider, is all. :)
Picture shown is a particular cat I ADORE at the animal shelter in Daegu. :)
Also, my apologizes for the layout changes on the blog. I'm trying to find the perfect template tonight! :)