Monday, June 7, 2010

Edie and Thea.

I usually wouldn't blog about this, but...

Today I was watching those Independent Films on the Sundance Channel I love so much. It's past 4am, and I don't think I'm going to bed anytime soon, so why not, right? Well, I stumbled upon "Edie and Thea: A Very Long Engagement." A documentary of sorts which recounts the story of two lesbians in the 1960's.

I guess I've always been liberal on the subject of homosexuality, because it upsets me that people who love another gender are usually automatically discriminated against in some form. As someone said in the comment of this video I'm about to post:
  • Oh, gosh. I could go on forever about this.
    Okay, first of all, marriage is a human right, not a heterosexual privilege. If I wanted to get married to another female (which I don't; I don't believe in participating in any and all religious acts, marriage included), why shouldn't I be able to? If I were a homosexual or bisexual Christian, is it not my right as God's child to be able to live with my lover and be married?

    But enough about the religious aspect; I want to talk about the political aspect. Originally marriage was a property thing, and it stated that the woman was the man's 'property'. Now, I know I would never want my lover to be my property, but it's about love and happiness, no?
    And the constitution guarantees a legal citizen's right to pursue life, love and happiness?
    If I want love and happiness, and I also want to be married (because it seems to go hand in hand), does the GOVERNMENT or the CHURCH have ANY RIGHT AT ALL to stop me?

    When you get right down to it, if religion didn't exsist in the first place, homosexuality would not be questioned like it is.
    Just wanted to throw that out there.

    Just one last thing;
    Love is Love.
    No matter if its being felt by a man and a man, a man and a women, or a women and a women.
    And I'll never understand people who think otherwise.


This isn't an "atheist" thing, (as some of my friends have suggested.) Even those years when I was a Christian, I was 100% for LG&B couples. Bigotry and intolerance just upsets me. It also upsets me when people befriend "gays" for the fact that they are gay. C. Love and I talked about a girl we know who befriends every homosexual she comes across. Yes! It's GREAT to be open minded and befriend people, but homosexuals are not collectibles.

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