Adam and I, around 5/6ish decided we were hungry and wanted to go to a "finer" restaurant, so we decided on the Daegu Tower pictured below.
It wasn't a bad restaurant at all, it actually moved on the inside, so as we were eating, we were slowly turning clockwise. Adam and I got to practice our lame Korean when the guy wasn't coming to pick up our card for us to pay. NO, really, it took 20-30 minutes until Adam said "this is for you" (in Korean, of course, which is due to this greatttttt Korean book we have). We got a small steak instead of Robster. Poor Rob.
After the Daegu tower, we went to the Wa Bar (I think that's what it was called.) We ended up trying to park in a small underground parking lot (that would take up to 6 cars.) A man was sitting there, reading the newspaper, saw Adam trying to park and FREAKED OUT and ran outr to where we were. He opened the door for me to get out, and while Adam was parking he was screaming "CRAZY! HE CRAZYYY DRIVER!!!!" Funny, seeing as Adam would be considered a maniac driver in the USA, but here, I think he'd be a "safe" driver. The Wa Bar was nice though, I had a cosmo (3 actually), and Adam had a beer (I'm not a cheap date, Adam told me :P) and then we went off to head home.
That's when the real "fun" began. We ended up getting lost. Adam had no idea where he had, and It's not like I even know how to get off post, so I couldn't be much help. We left at 9:30 for the Military Base, and by 10pm, Adam was freaking out. He called a Katusa, who told Adam to give the phone to some random Korean and he would talk to them. We stopped down an allyway, Adam got out and found a 20something looking guy, who took the phone from him and spoke to the Katusa... Then he ran off with the phone. Adam and I just kind of stood there, hoping he hadn't stolen it, and he eventually came back, and gave Adam back the phone. (No idea, don't ask) We didn't get home until 11:45 though because we ended up still being lost, it sucked.
Today has been a lazy day, though. Besides cleaning, and doing laundry soon, (and making Adam food), I haven't done much. Adams been at work. :( Actually he just got home, he said "Hi". :3. The plan tonight is to go to a nice restaurant and then to his friend Avacados barracks to drink and hang out. :)
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