Monday, June 14, 2010

Presents & Packing.

Today is the day that I've finally accomplished the horrible job of... packing. This of course was not done alone, and was accomplished because I have a wonderful Momma who did most of the work anyway. I had to pick and choose what I really did want and what I didn't. I wasn't even aware of the amount of clothes I have. Somehow we've been able to fit most of this into one suitcase.

Yesterday, I had a wonderful party thrown for me at my Sister-In-Laws house, with an awesome cake, and reallllllllly good dip. It was really sweet, and I got presents ~*~*~

The keychain thingy that says "Laura" was given to me by my MILB, (she also bought my luggage!) The planner, sketch book, address book, journal and pencils were from my Sister-In-Law, her fiance, and all their children*.

The picture on the right are the presents C. Love gave too me. Earrings, which I had seen in Rue 21 and fell in love with, a journal for "thoughts, secrets and doodles", (and really, who can't get enough of notebooks) a stationary set, and a book about living in S.K. which will be handy for reading on the plane!

Thanks for the presents everyone. :D
Oh! And here is my packing pictures, (I'm THAT proud!) I'm not 100% finished, obviously, I still have shoes, etc to pack!

<-- I know I have a Build-A-Bear stuffed animal in my luggage, :) My momma got it for me for Christmas. <3 When I press its hand, it talks with her voice. :O

1 comment:

  1. One hopes you turn the bunny away when you and Adam are getting 'jiggy with it'
    Shadow keeps knocking things over in temper baby and peeing behind the bathroom door off the kitchen...


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