Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Little Children.

I like kids. They're alright for the most part, minus the whiney ones, and I'm not a big baby person either. (Your baby drooling is NOT cute.) Anyway, for the most part, I do like children. I like them when they reach 3+. They can talk, and say cute things, and usually form a sentence. The only person I babytalk to is my foster dog, doing it to a baby seems stupid.

However, this post is about how much I dislike the children right outside the base. I don't personally know these children, but they seem to be suicidal. There. I said it. These little brats are crazy and suicidal. Why? Well, let me tell you...

I guess there is something interesting that goes on RIGHT OUTSIDE the base, because there seems to be quite a few kids there. One day, Adam and I were driving along, going 10mph at most, and he coughs, or looks away for what? two seconds? A little girl on a bike just zooms on right infront of him. No kidding. The girls mother had STOPPED, while this little crazy kid was wanting to get hit my a car. What makes it better is she actually STOPPED infront of the car. Adam stopped just in the nick of time, but, really little girl? You come infront of the car and then STOP? You're like that deer I hit a year a go, that ran out in the road when I was going 5mph, ran back into the grass, waited for me to speed up and ran back out and got hit.

The second incident was when Adam and I were casually driving a long, yet again, outside the base, when this little girl in some karate attire ran infront of us. She didn't even peek behind the truck parked there. Just ran out. She managed to say "WOAH!!!!" Giggled to her friend, and then run out again. Hello! We just stopped because we thought you were going to get hit, the least you could do is wait for us to pass, since you gave us a heart attack and everything, we might just have to turn around and go to the hospital. Glad your amused. Run along now little karate kid, I really hope those karate skills save you when you run infront of another fucking car.


1 comment:

  1. Maybe they think if they run infront of a car you will give them money for compensation... beware of the suicidal children!


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