Monday, July 19, 2010

Oh No You Didn't.

This isn't worth ranting about, but I'm going to anyway, because I can. Yesterday, Adam and I went to the furniture store to find it was closed. No big deal, right? We turned around and went back to the base. When we pulled up to our parking spot. OURS. It has OUR apartment number on it in BIG white lettering, to find someone had parked there. How rude. Our parking spot is RIGHT NEXT to a vacant one, and then there are some visitor parking spots a few feet away. Is it THAT hard to just get one of those? I wasn't happy. I don't care if your the Chaplains friend, I don't care if you're the fucking Prime Minister of South Africa, go park your ass in the visitor spots.


Anyway, Adam saw a dead woman on the road yesterday just after she'd been hit by a car. It seems like death is following us. On Saturday, I stroked a kitty as it slowly died. Depressing shit.

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